Home DnD Recaps

Session 1

What session is this? Alternate universe session 1? Session B? Who knows? Anyway, recap time.

Garthor the Human Wizard, his assistant Buckets the Clockwork Sorcerer, Dasha the Halfling Druid, Rome-Bee the Elven Rogue, and Wisteria the Yuan-Ti Cleric meet at a tavern in the rough-and-tumble port town of Haythwidge. Having responded to a help wanted ad (or having wandered in aimlessly), they meet an Aarakocra Wizard who introduces himself as Quark. He nervously explains that he requires the services of an adventuring party to retrieve an important magical parchment that was stolen from him by a group of pirates known as Captain Roberts’s Scallywags.

Quark issues the party a small bounty and promises that they will find greater rewards in the pirates’ possession. After food, drink, and shenanigans, the party finds their way out of the tavern and into the paths of several increasingly unsavory characters, whose belligerent refusal to cooperate seems to lead the party to the seedier side of town, and coincidentally into the very inn where Quark’s parchment was stolen. The pirate-patrons of this establishment initially take offense to Garthor’s flashy entrance, but quickly warm to our quirky heroes when a well-executed lie convinces the owner, Pete, that the party are new-hires to Captain Roberts’s crew. Pete pours the party plenty of partially-potable portions of… uh, something, and presents 3 challenges as initiation to the crew. Our heroes pass these tests with flying colors and are welcomed to the crew, and Pete gives them a password before retiring for the evening. A tip from another pirate leads the party to the hideout entrance. Slipping out of the inn, down the scaffolding of the cliffside, and into the entrance, the party finds a winding staircase that leads them to the hideout proper. A sleeping guard is woken and almost raises an alarm before being calmed by the aforementioned password, which also unlocks the enchanted iron door guarding the hideout’s inner chamber.

Unfortunately, the party’s deceptions break down in the face of Captain Roberts himself, who personally vets all new members of the crew and does not recognize our heroes. A fight ensues, two pirates are downed, Garthor “disciplines'' a bad dog and somehow weaponizes another, Wisteria is downed and revived by Dasha (who is almost downed herself before being healed by Wisteria), Rome-Bee discovers a secret treasure room, and after much violence, Buckets convinces Captain Roberts to stand down and return the stolen parchment. Roberts also surrenders a monetary reward to the party for sparing himself and his right-hand-man, and the party leaves having accomplished their goal. Roberts’s parting words to our heroes are that he hopes they will consider him in future endeavors regarding the parchment and its use