Home DnD Recaps

Early Sessions

The recaps start at session 2 - Before then, the party, comprised of Baby the Human Cleric of Sune, Revna the Half-Orc Barbarian, and Juk'Bx the Kenku Bard, meet back at their home town of MerrickShire to celebrate at the coming Feats of Valor Festival. They help a potion maker, named Presto Change-O, stop chaos that ensues after some of his potions cause side effects. It turns out that his assistant, Hold Hammersmith, wanted to sabotage Presto's potion business to start his own. The party stopped Hold and saved the festival!

The party meets back at the “Drowned Tarley” after a good nights rest, expecting to say their goodbyes, when they notice someone they know from their past. Then, they encounter a messenger. 👀 (the person from their past was anaother friend, Visenya the Dragonkin Druid. The messenger delievered a message from the wealthy owner of the Feats of Valor Festival, "Dizzy" Gartink, a deep Gnome entrepenuer.)

Great session ya’ll! I hope you had fun! Session 4 will continue with the party waking up, stripped of their stuff besides the clothes on their backs, in a dingy cell. Noticeable absent is Baby. 👀 (Here, a Half-Elf Monk named Zelcerys joined the party, also in the cell as a suspect in the "breaking and entering" of Dizzy's mansion. Dizzy invited the party in for a feast, but actually it was a trap.)

Alright everyone! Lots of combat this session 😵‍💫 BUT you lived!!! The party escaped Gartink’s hold and is currently talking to the town guard with their crying thug who they spared. Two thugs are dead and the other unconscious 😮 A mimic is spared, a rat is helped, and a doppleganger is dead. Elonia is interviewing Baby - a scoop for the “Baldur’s Mouth” newspaper.

We ended the session, having peaced out of a possibly rigged investigation with three Bards. We hitched a ride on Presto Changeo's trade carts. And good thing we did - we helped save him from a Goblin raid! And most of all - a big scary Bugbear!!! In the next session, we will continue heading to Merrickshire. We have about a day left or so. Who knows what awaits us there!

The party encountered a slumbering manticore that blocked their path. After unsuccessfully trying to move it, the manticore, named Me, shared its history and his plight (he needs a new home after his last cave collapsed - and he’s eyeing a mate that can provide that home. No judgement - manticores have needs too 🤷‍♂) The party hunted some harpies to spruce up (or stink up?) Me for his date. Now they plan on helping him through it

Well party - you survived! Me didn’t have a hot date, but he did display courage for his love interest. Maybe there’ll be little manticores in the future of this adventure 👀 Visenya has been chosen to be a Druid of The Moon Circle, with her specific grove lead by Archdruid Hogglebawg, the Gnome Druid. The party is now, finally, on its way to Merrickshire, once again in Prest-O’s cart. Prest-O does know about the bards finally!

We arrived to Merrickshire, a frontier / craftsman town built around an old pilgrimage site. After helping Presto unload his wares (and Juk’Bx dropping a crate of potions), the party split up for a bit. Buying stuff and looking around the town. A visit to Donderlon’s Peg awed the party - the magic server, a blind elf woman who communicated through sending stones, served them and they retired to a dinghy room (lead to by a not so helpful cat). After sleeping, they found some of their stuff taken yet again, and after some investigation, found out that:

  • The meager militia is overworked and underpaid, as are the street cleaners.
  • There’s been disappearing stuff for years now
  • The lord of Merrickshire is an 8 year old child - the only Lord left for the area.
  • The foot and paw prints leading from their windowsill lead to a swamp (not a bog) to the West.
  • The party heads this way to recover their stuff, Juk’Bx’s kalimba and hurdy-gurdy most prominent, and discover a town with little houses made of clay, inhabited by critterpeople. These people are skittish, and as the party tries to communicate with them, they hear high pitched horns in the distance, heading towards them!

    After going into the woods to find the stolen stuff, including Juk'Bx's hurdy-gurdy and calimba, the party found a village of small wereanimals. Their king, Nicodermus, a fat werepossum with a garbage throne, has martialed the wereanimals. Bartholomule the werebadger as his champion, a wereduck as his military commander, and Skippy the weresquirrel as his bard. The party helped train the wereanimal troops; they are seen as "The Five Giants" as foretold by Skippy. They believe these "Five Giants" will guide them to victory against Merrickshire, calling the inhabitants "the Stone People." At night, a team of wereanimal ninjas, as well as Juk'Bx and and Zelcerys, snuck into Merrickshire to kidnap the boy lord in charge of the town. In the morning, the wereanimal army began marching to Merrickshire in a caravan to ransom the boy lord for the town.