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Session 20

After some day drinking, the party looks around for Matreous - Juk’Bx, using his ability to Detect Magic with a spell, finds traces of magic energy that leads the party to the Grand Library.

Unable to go in without an Avowed, they summon Irony, who brings out Matreous for them. He says that he can help Revna with a ritual spell he knows, and tells the party to meet him at his spire, outside of CandleKeep.

The party drinks a little more back at The Hearth - Revna dances and Juk’Bx joins a bard in playing some music. Eventually, Revna brings her spear to a gnome, who, using his knowledge of Gondian craft, tells her that it seems like a pet project of an artificer. It might have an ability to connect to weave, but as far as he can tell, it just adds extra damage when you engage a switch that opens the spearhead.

They lose track of time, but head out when the timing feels right.

They go to the spire outside CandleKeep, and it seems empty at first, but Matreous was in the middle of a shower (with a naked elf woman that quickly leaves 👀). After putting a robe on and stopping the interesting inside rain-cloud he was using for the shower, he explains the ritual.

Juk’Bx gets the feeling that something is off about his explanation. Matreous insists that he and Revna be alone for the ritual, that others could “disturb the weave”. When Revna and Matreous go into the spire’s basement to do the ritual, an invisible Juk’Bx and a sneaking Visenya discover that Matreous is using a Sharan ritual of forgetting. It is unclear of his motives, and Zelcerys going back to CandleKeep gets the party nothing but rumors (but IS THERE REALLY an old Sharan temple under Candlekeep 🤷‍♂️).

Matreous’ spell goes awry when the party goes to the ritual room and Baby, in an effort to protect Revna, casts Sanctuary on her. The light of the spell is instantly snuffed out, causing a Weave Spark to move through the room, causing pain in everyone’s temples, and causing a black hole effect into the ritual mirror that Revna was looking into. The party, and the spire, gets sucked into the mirror!