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Session 19

The DnD table set up - also Matt

The small party (Juk'Bx, Revna, Visenya) finished exploring the mansion - Quark the quasit, who often travels as a transformed toad, was summoned by Fistandia and stuck in the mansion for 20 years with nothing to eat but soup, happily joined the party.

Baby got in a duel and lost, defending Irony’s honor, after mending the Sune tabbard at the Sune collection plate in The Hearth.

Revna won a wrestling match against Balrog, a half giant, but sadly did not succeed in seducing him. He ran away crying, sad that people “only want him for his body”, and don’t want to learn about his art. Sad, Revna drinks herself to sleep….oddly enough, no shadow attacks her when she’s in a booze sleep.

Zelcerys succeed in flirting, and having sex with, Matreous; but not used to his magical energy, contracted Wizard Warts. Paying a heavy price of 5 shadow sap shards to a cleric of Oghma, she got them cured. This same cleric also had Visenya pay a heavy price, 15 gold and shadow cursed bone, to remove a curse from an amulet - now an amulet of healing!

Zelcerys made and drank a potion of glowing sap paste. Effects to be had at a later date. ;)

Juk’Box and Baby helped the bartender dwarf by working for him while he rested. He became calm, paid them for their help, and then realized he couldn’t do it alone. So he created fliers to ask for help.

After rest, the party reconnects. To find Matreous to cure Revna? Who knows! We’ll have to see next time! 🙂