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Session 18

The party travels to Candlekeep!

On the road they encounter Timothy the Goblin. He is not very good at making campfires, as when the party finds him, he has accidentally started a small wildfire.

He was trying to put it out with conjuring water, but he was failing. Visenya helped him by using her frost breath - he rewarded them with his notes (mostly describing easy spells he knows as if it’s a grander accomplishment than it is, but also some valuable knowledge on local goblin societies).

Visenya also communicated with HoggleBog - he seemed a bit worried that she is out questing and not watching over her new, and small, circle back at Merrickshire.

The party successfully got into Candlekeep by using Nicodermus’ journal - Revna gave some first hand accounts of her and the party’s interaction with him and the werecritters. (Embellishing how romantic it was when Nicodermus ate garbage, I assume).

Their avowed (guide through Candlekeep, and how they access the library) is Irony, the teenage female Tiefling that aspires to be the Keeper of Tomes one day. (She plans to do this by learning all that she can, and by following all of the rules and NEVER getting into trouble!) 👀

Irony helped the party track down Matreonus, a sage who can help them heal Revna’s shadowcurse; he was exploring an extraplanar mansion of a wizard when the portal closed. He agrees to help Revna and the party, IF they explore the mansion more for him, and bring back treasure as payment. He is tired, after-all 😉

Baby stays behind to sleep, and Zelcerys doesn’t like the magic portal, so they also stay behind.

Zelcerys learns a lot from Matreonus about powerful wizards of the area. Eventually, prompted by Sune, Baby wakes up and begins exploring their shrines…to see Sune’s in poor shape.

Revna, Juk’Bx, and Visenya explore the mansion - they taste some amazing soup from some homunculi chefs, pet a cat, (and a strange, living stuffed attic-amalgamation), avoid some rambunctous faerie dragons, and fight a mimic chair, AND some living swords. Visenya is also collecting books with prominent letters on the spine.

And this is where we leave off - as the three explore the mansion, and Baby and Zelcerys off doing their own thing!

What else does the mansion hold in store? Will Baby get to fuck The Hearth’s angry, pent up barkeep (let’s be honest, the man needs something to calm him down)? We’ll have to find out!