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Session 16 - end of the First Arc

The party killed the shadow-druid who had been obsessed with creating a death tree - and the Heart of Fossman Forest was rescued!

Rolf, who surrendered to the forest and Silvanus after losing both of his families (loggers and original elf village home), rested against the tree. He was strengthened by its amber sap, but also in the process of being absorbed into its’ spirit. He will be a Chosen of Silvanus and protector of Fossman Forest until his physical form dies. 

With the shadow-druid and the original inhabitants of the forest dead, a small group of Circle of the Moon druids begin practicing in Fossman Forest, with Visenya a senior member of this group. 

With the forest overgrowth still at Merrickshire’s gates, and it not being hostile, the were-critters began living in the forest again, but in the edges that touched the Merrickshire pallisade. Nicodermus had two thrones - his human-appeasing royal one, and his forest trash one to remind him of home. The council went well, with the party occasionally helping. Griffith II and a Half, having clarity, began giving his hoarded wealth back to the town coffers, and turned himself in authorities for the council’s judgement. Was his hate and greed the work of The Fossman Hag, now appeased by the party inadvertently helping her? 

Donderlon, now wheelchair bound, speaks slowly and is a little frail, but seems to be recovering. The Artificer seems to have left “for parts - be back in four years”. What a strange man.

A feast was held for the party, and good times were had by all. Visenya spent a night in jail, for getting too rowdy while intoxicated (Revna, being street smart, avoided the trouble). 

Baby began increasing Sune’s Merrickshire flock, which included, “services” at Donerlon’s Inn (who does NOT want it talked about openly). 

Juk’Bx, talking with the traveling bards off and on, began learning from them and their training. 

Zelcerys, through meditation, connected more with his master’s teaching. 

Months go by of peace and stability in Merrickshire…when the Flaming Fists arrive, they are confused, as they heard were-animals took over and the forest was going to destroy the town. They do a short investigation and go home, still confused, as a boy-lord with a mixmatch council rules the town efficiently. The guard grows with humanoids and were-critters alike.