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Session 13

Session 13!!! spooky!!! 😳

The party, carrying a comatose Donderlon, with Rolf and Bartholomule, left the vinestruck Loggers Guild Hall to see that the forest vines now grew past the cinder-line...its defenders gone, possibly killed.

Rolf went deeper into the forest, while the party moved as quick as they could back to Merrickshire. They warned their guard friend about the encroaching forest, then went to Donderlon's Peg to bring him to his wife. They left him in her care.

Baby used the sending stones to communicate to her, and received a mental image of where the Elf village might be in the forest. They also learned that there is no town healer...Griffith II and A Half made the last one angry by stripping their shrine of precious gems and stones to sell them for the town coffers. 🙁

Revna, Zelcerys, and Juk'Bx met with an initially happy, then frightened, Nicodermus, while Baby and Visenya talked to their gods. Sune didn't promise much to Baby, and Silvanus was still absent in the nether, a repeating loop of anger replacing their presence.

Baby made a quick stop to the artificer, who began formulating a plan. Bartholomule stayed behind to work with another mount and get a new lance.

On their way out, they saw their guard friend mustering a small militia. It didn't look like they could do much, but it had townsfolk and werefolk in it, so it's nice to see them working together.

Heading towards the direction of the Elf village, (after some spider combat that poisoned Visenya and Zelcerys, with Revna finally harnessing THE RAGE), and maybe the Heart of The Forest (for Fossman Forest), the party found a small hut with a cellar hatch. They opened the cellar hatch and.....