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Session 11

Session 11…is terminated

Over a month or so, the party tried to negotiate with the several different guilds, as well as Nicodermus and the werepeople, to reach a moderate proposal The terms were this:

  • A council would be formed of all the guildmasters, Griffith II and a Half, and Nicodermus, to serve as regent until Griffith III reached an age appropriate for leadership.
  • Donderlon, of Donderlon’s Peg Inn, would become treasurer (replacing Griffith II and a Half, who suspiciously watched over a shoddy tax collection system that USED to be good, until his brother died defending the town from Kobolds, he became regent, and dismissed the old tax collector, taking over his duties……not sure where the tax coin is going now…)
  • And…the Logger’s Guild would….well….that was the issue.
  • Nicodermus was explicit in his need for them to relocate and stop the mills, and the cutting of the forest. He would not negotiate on this aspect.

    Baby, trying his best to mediate, came up with a plan…as the town coffers began growing, due to Donderlon’s care, the town coffers would pay some, and the other guilds would pay the other, for the Logger’s Guild to move south of Merrickshire. The money would cover travel and building a new guild hall and mill….but would not pay fair market price for the Logger’s Guild land (the Rancher’s and Wine Maker’s / Orchard’s Guild insisted on this).

    However, the more offers came to the Logger’s Guild, the more their Guild Master (Rolf Axewield, a muscle-bound, hot headed Elf, who discarded his Elvish name and made his own Human name) became paranoid that everyone was plotting against him and his guild. [Rolf did not participate in negotiations…his muscle, Boss Higgins, did for him. He is a gruff Human who is older. ALSO, sorry for not including these details in the fast-forwarding of the discussions…I didn’t want to get bogged down with details]

    As this dragged on, the Guild Master’s of other guilds (but not the Miner’s Guild, who aren’t in town hardly at all so they don’t care what happens as long as they can mine), began visiting the party at night, saying that nobody would care if the Logger’s Guild left or not. {Orchard’s Guild Master: “Fruit grow on trees, and that would replace the fields of stumps from the loggers….”} Who knows if this was true, but regardless, Baby and the party kept trying to reach a middle ground.

    Donderlon went to the Logger’s Guild to negotiate some new terms, and didn’t come back for a week. The party, concerned, recruited Bartholomule and set off to the Logger’s Guild. He recommended that they approach at night, from the river’s edge, so they could flank the Logger’s Guild Hall, rather than approach it head first.

    The party encountered some make shift camps, initially surprised when the loggers, an attack dog, and a scout, and eventually a scout’s hawk, attacked them. The scout and a logger ran from one camp to the next, pursued my Bartholomule, the party surprise attacked this second camp, killing everyone except a logger, who they took as hostage (sadly, Zelcerys was knocked unconscious several times by the expert shots of the scout).

    After this second fight, now in early morning, the party rested briefly to consider their next move.