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Session 10

Uh, is the party playing the Game of Thrones??? đź‘€ Session 10 is complete!

The “Five Giants” and the Army of Nicodermus set up their army in sight of Merrickshire. Despite the smoke surrounding it, the army had good view of the field - the siege engines, archers, the command and their guard, took high ground on a hill. The duck commander, though not entirely understandable, showed their skill by organizing their army in such a way. Zelcerys suggested a fall back point at certain small pockets of trees….which prompted the duck commander to look at his maps and talk to Bartholomule…who also has no clue what the commander is saying.

The party understood that they were expected to negotiate, and with young Griffith III in tow, who seemed to be getting along well with Nicodermus, they approached the palisade of Merrickshire. Juk’Bx, sensing the minimal resistance was strange, started channeling a spell to detect magic. Visenya tentatively approached and heard a few footsteps (not footprints) behind the palisade. Zelcerys, unfazed, walked right up to the opening in the palisade.

After a brief fight with some magic swords, which turned out to be controlled by Dondurlon’s wife (Juk’Bx warning him with a note a night ago, but being vague, oopsie), the party, Griffith III, and Donderlon began talking (Bartholomule prevented Griffith III from participating too much, or moving out of the party’s vicinity…he was a hostage after all).

Baby, planning to reach a diplomatic conclusion to this whole thing, asked the guards to get Griffith II and One Half, Griffith III’s uncle, while Donderlon got the artificer. Bartholomule was sent to bring in Nicodermus. A noble gesture, and once met, the mood is soured by Griffith II and One Half. Not only does he demand the return of his nephew and the surrender of everyone there, but does so while calling Visenya and Revna slurrs, to which Revna angerly answers “NO!”

Tensions rise as Griffith II and One Half’s guards seize Baby, swords drawn. Aiming to keep the peace, Baby goes willingly, putting his arms up and sitting on the ground. As Juk’Bx’s usual nervous fidget, he plays some music on his Hurdy Gurdy. Zelcerys is knocked down by a horseman guard of Griffith II and One Half, while Visenya tries to calm Griffith III, all while staring his uncle down.

Bartholomule and Nicodermus arrive; sensing tension, Nicodermus seems nervous, a departure from his grander in the forest. Bartholomule senses the tension and his gaze tightens on the three horsemen, not scared to fight for his king, if need be.

However, with some coaching, and eventual magic commands from Baby, Griffith III calls for a stand-down, as Lord Of Merrickshire, and the party continues their discussions. A fuming Griffith II and One Half stands ready to strike, insulted by Baby, but bound by law not to, or go against the wish of his lord.

They reach the conclusion that the guild masters of the Tanner’s Guild, the Rancher’s Guild, the Blacksmith’s Guild, the Planter’s / Winemaster’s Guild, and, toughest to reconcile with yet, the Logger’s Guild, in addition to the people of Merrickshire, must reach a consensus. Nicodermus is receptive to being a regent to Griffith III (while retaining his Kingship of the forest), but, at least for now, does not seem to budge on his want of removing the loggers. The artificer scribbles on paper a plan to remove the smoke even, but to no avail.

Here is where the session ended, with tensions loosened, but not soothed.